Special Education Exit Report [.2124 - .2231]

PATH: KY State Reporting > Special Education Exit Report 

The Kentucky Special Education Exit report pulls information on special education students who leave the school district, exit special education programs, or are a no-show when expected to return.

Image 1: Special Education Exit Report 

Report Editor Details

The following data elements are available on the Special Education Exit Report:

Data Element


Effective Date

This field populates to the current date and is generated from the first instructional day of the year. For submission to KDE, the effective date must be June 30.


Selection indicates how the report will be generated.  Options are State Format (CSV) or HTML. 


Calendars can be selected by the active year, by school or by year.

Report Logic

  • The report can be generated for a specific school or all schools within a district based on the calendar(s) selected in the editor. 
    • If a single school is selected, eligible students with multiple enrollment records will report for the school where they were enrolled on the first day of instruction.
    • If All Schools is selected, eligible students with multiple enrollment records will report under the school number of their latest enrollment record.

Required Reporting Criteria

  • Students must have been enrolled on the first day of instruction for the reporting year.  No mid-year enrollments will appear on this report AND
    • Students without an enrollment record or a No Show record on the first day of instruction are not included in the report.
  • Students must be age 14 by December 1 of the reporting year to be included in the report.
  • If a student withdraws and re-enrolls within the current reporting period, the student will NOT show on the report unless the student withdraws again and is withdrawn at the end of the school year.
  • Students must have a Special Education Exit Date within the reporting year.
  • Students must have a Special Education Exit Status on their enrollment within the reporting year.

Conditional Reporting Criteria

In addition to the Required Reporting Criteria mentioned above, the student must also meet one of the following conditions:

Condition 1: The student has withdrawn from the district and is a No Show in the current year.

  • The student has withdrawn from the district with a withdrawal status other than W01, W02 or CO1 within the reporting year.
  • The student was active in Special Education in the previous year. The students the previous year with a Special Ed Status of A or AR.
  • The student ends the previous year with an enrollment record End Stataus of CO1, G01, G02, G03, G04 or W30.
  • The student is a No Show for the first day of school in the current school year.
    • The student will pull on the next school year's report regardless of the Special Ed Status on the No Show Enrollment record..

District Process for Ensuring Students Meet Condition 1

  • Staff ensures the No Show enrollment record in the reporting year has a Start Status of NS: No Show and an End Status of CO1.
  • Staff marks the student's Special Ed Status as I: Inactive after they have verified the circumstances of the no show.
  • Staff marks the Special Ed Exit Date as the end date of the No Show enrollment record.
  • Staff updates the No Show enrollment record with the appropriate Special Ed Exit Status (with the most common being 03: Alternative High School Diploma).

Condition 2: The student is removed from special education services but continues at the school.

  • The student is no longer active in Special Education.
  • The student has a Special Ed Exit Status within the reporting period.
  • The student has a Special Ed Exit Date within the reporting period.

District Process for Ensuring Students Meet Condition 2

  • Staff marks the student's Special Ed Status as I: Inactive.
  • Staff updates the student's enrollment record with a Special Ed Exit Date that is within the reporting period.
  • Staff will update the student's enrollment record with the appropriate Special Ed Exit Status (with the most common being 01: Transitioned to Regular Education).

Special Education Exit Status and Special Education Exit Date roll forward.  This report will not pull students whose Special Education Exit Date is within the prior years.

Generating the Report

  1. Enter an Effective Date in mmddyy format, or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  2. Select the Format in which the report should be generated. The State Format (CSV) should be selected when sending the report to the Department of Education. Use the HTML format for review prior to submittance.
  3. Select the calendars to include in the extract.
  4. Click the Generate Extract button. The report will generate in the desired format, listing the students who meet the requirements.

Image 2: KY Sped Exit Report - HTML Format

Data Validation

Errors and warnings that exist will display prior to the display of the Special Education Exit Report.  This information should be reviewed and modified as needed prior to submitting the report. The following warnings/errors will be returned:

Critical Error 1: Exit Date/Exit Status Validation 

This error will generate the following message: "ER01the following record(s) contain a Special Education Exit Status but no Special Education Exit Date OR contain Special Education Exit Date but no Special Education Exit Status. (Number of Records: x)”. This warning will list the student's name, state ID, grade level and Special Education exit date.

Image 3: Error 1


Critical Error 2: End Status Validation 

This error will generate the following message: "ER02the following record(s) contain a Special Education Status of A or AR AND an End Status other than W01 or W02 or CO1, but do not contain a corresponding Special Education Exit Status or Date (Number of Records: x)”. This warning will also appear for students who have a Special Education status and exit date but the exit date is prior to the reporting year.  

If the No Show checkbox is marked on the enrollment record, it is not necessary to enter a Special Education exit status and exit date. A student who ended the previous year with a C01 end status and an A or AR Special Education status and who did not show in the beginning of the reporting year will be included in the report.    



Image 4: Error 2


Special Education Exit Report Data Elements

The following data elements are included in the Special Education Exit Report:

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Interface

District Number

State-assigned district number

Numeric, 3 digits


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School Number

State-assigned school number

Numeric, 3 digits


System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Location Number

Student State ID

State-assigned student ID number

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID

Student Last Name

Last name of the student

Alphanumeric, 40 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Student First Name

First name of the student

Alphanumeric, 35 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Date of Birth

Displays the student's date of birth

Date field, 8 characters



Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Indicates the student's primary disability.

  • 01 = Mild Mental Disability
  • 02 = Functional Mental Disability
  • 04 = Hearing Impairment
  • 05 = Speech or Language Impairment
  • 06 = Visually Impaired
  • 07 = Emotional-Behavioral Disability
  • 08 = Orthopedic Impairment
  • 09 = Other Health Impaired
  • 10 = Specific Learning Disability
  • 11 = Deaf-Blindness
  • 12 = Multiple Disabilities
  • 13 = Autism
  • 14 = Traumatic Brain Injury
  • 15 = Developmental Delay
Numeric, 2 digitsEnrollment.disability1Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Disability


Indication of student being either male or female

  • 1 = Male
  • 2 = Female

Alphanumeric, 1 character

M or F


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Displays the student's race/ethnicity. See the Race/Ethnicity table for reporting values.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity

English Proficiency

Indicates whether or not the student was active in an EL program during the reporting period.

If the student has a Program Status but it is not EL but their Program Exit Date is within the reporting period, they will still report as EL within this field.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters


Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > Program Status

Special Education Exit Status

Displays the student's Special Education exit status.

  • 01 = Transferred to Regular Education
  • 02 = Graduated with Diploma
  • 03 = Alternative High School Diploma
  • 04 = Maximum Age
  • 05 = Deceased
  • 06 = Moved, Known to Continue
  • 07 = Dropped Out

Numeric, 2 charachters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Special Education Exit Status

Special Education Exit DateThe date the student exited Special Ed and no longer received Special Ed services.

Date field, 8 characters


Enrollment.spedExitDateStudent Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education  Fields > Special Ed Exit Date


Displays the student's age as of December 1

Numeric, 2 characters

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

End Date

The student's enrollment record End Date.

Logic reports the end date of the enrollment record where the student exited Special Education.

Date field, 8 characters


Enrollment.endDateStudent Information > General > Enrollments > End Date
End Status

The student's enrollment record End Status.

Logic reports the end status of the enrollment where the student exited Special Education.

Alphanumeric, 3 charactersEnrollment.endStatusStudent Information > General > Enrollments > End Status

  Race/Ethnicity Reported Values

Race/Ethnicity Code


Reported Value





American Indian/Alaska Native









Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander






Two or more