SSEC Extract (New York) [.2207 - .2231]

Classic View: NY State Reporting > SSEC Extracts > SSEC

Search Term: SSEC

The SSEC Summary Extracts reports and compiles data regarding violent or disruptive incidents, as well as incidents of discrimination, harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying to comply with New York State reporting requirements and to designate schools that are persistently dangerous.

SSEC Editor Example

Report Logic

  • Reports a summary of all SSEC Incidents tied to the Calendar selected on the extract editor.
  • Participants involved in multiple SSEC Incidents are separately counted for each Incident.
  • An SSEC Incident is defined as a unique Behavior Incident/Event combination the meets all of the following requirements.
Behavior Incidents
  • Status must be Complete
  • Date of Incident must be previous to or the same as the Effective Date selected on the extract editor
  • Location dictionary Value must be one of the following:
    • SchoolProperty
    • SchoolTransportation
    • SchoolSponsored
    • OffProperty
  • At least one Behavior Event's State Event Code must not be NULL.
  • If a Behavior Incident occurs off property, only Harassment, Cyberbullying, and Bomb Threat events are reported.
Behavior Event
  • Must have at least one Participant whose Role =  Offender
  • Must have at least one Participant whose Role = Victim ONLY if the State Event Code is one of the following: 1, 2.1, 2.2, 4, 7, 10, or 10.2
  • The most serious event determines the Category (column) in which the Incident reports
    • If more than one qualifying Behavior Event is associated with a Behavior Incident, reports from the Behavior Event with lowest State Event Code dictionary Value (i.e. most serious)
    • If multiple Behavior Events meet the previous requirement, reports from the Behavior Event with the lowest eventID
  • Part 1 of the SSEC report includes the following columns. Totals report in these columns according to the State Event Code assigned to the Behavior Events.
    #ColumnState Event Code
    2Sexual Offenses
    2.1 and 2.2
    3Assault7 and 4
    4Weapons Possession
    17.1 and 17.2
    5. Material Incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying
    5aAll Excluding Cyberbullying10
    6Bomb Threat14
    7False Alarm15
    Threat of School Violence (Other than Bomb Threat or False Alarm)
    9Use, Possession or Sale of Drugs18
    10Use, Possession, or Sale of Alcohol19

Report Editor

Effective DateData reports as of the Effective Date selected.
FormatThe format in which the report generates. Options include HTML, XML, and CSV.
Ad Hoc Filter

Student and Census/Staff Ad Hoc filters are available for narrowing report results.

Select Calendars

The calendar from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year's calendars, or be sorted by school or by year.


Only one calendar may be selected.

Generate Extract

Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. Clicking Generate Extract immediately creates the report. The Submit to Batch process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Example

Report Example

Report Header

FieldLogicCampus DatabaseCampus Location
ReportAlways reports SSEC.N/AN/A
CalendarThe name of the calendar selected on the extract editor.Calendar.nameSystem Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Name

The BEDS Code of the school tied to the calendar selected on the extract editor.

If the BEDS Code is null, this field reports blank.

School.BEDSCodeSystem Administration > Resources > School > BEDS Code
Effective Date

The Effective Date entered on the extract editor.

N/ANY State Reporting > SSEC Extracts > Effective Date

Part 1: Dignity for All Student Act (DASA) and Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting (VADIR)

RowNameLogicCampus DatabaseCampus Location

Report the total number of incidents (Row A)

aTotal Number of Incidents

This area reports the total number of incidents. Each incident is counted one time only regardless of the number of offenders or targets/victims involved.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.

BehaviorType.stateEventCodeBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Report if the offense listed in row (a) was related to a bias (Rows B - N)

b - n

Total Number of Biased-Related Incidents


Ethnic Group

National Origin



Religious Practices



Sexual Orientation




This area reports if the offense listed in row Total Number of Incidents (a) was related to a bias. An incident may be reported for more than one bias (duplicated count). For example, if an Assault with Physical Injury was related to the Victim/Target's Religion and Gender, it reports in both rows.

Bias data requires an event with a Classification of Harassment. Any associated state event with harassment data can contribute to the overall incident count.

Harassment TypeCode
Ethnic Ethnic Group02
National Origin03
Religious Practices06
Sexual Orientation09

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Harassment Type

Report the number of incidents in row (a) that were gang/group related (Row O)

oGang or Group Related

The number of incidents in the row Total Number of Incidents (a) that were gang/group related.

To report, the Gang Related checkbox on the Event Details must be marked.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > Gang Related

Report the number of incidents in row (a) that involved a weapon, alcohol, and/or drugs (Rows P - S)

pTotal Number of Incidents Not Involving a Weapon
The number of incidents in the row Total Number of Incidents (a) that did NOT involve a weapon. To report, the Behavior Event Weapon on any associated state event must be null.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Behavior Event Weapon

qTotal Number of Incidents Involving Weapons

The number of incidents in the row Total Number of Incidents (a) that involved a weapon.

To report, the Behavior Event Weapon on any associated state event must be null.

Rows (q1-q3) may be duplicated counts if an incident involved more than one weapon.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Behavior Event Weapon

q1Number Reported in row q that Involved Firearms

To report, a Behavior Event Weapon on the Incident must be one of the following:

  • 12 - Handguns
  • 13 - Rifles/Shotguns
  • 14 - Other Firearms

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Behavior Event Weapon

q2Number Reported in row q that Involved Knives

To report, a Behavior Event Weapon on the Incident must be 2 - Knives.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Behavior Event Weapon

q3Number Reported in row q that Involved Other Weapons

To report, a Behavior Event Weapon on the Incident must be one of the following:

  • 8 - Chemical/Biological Agents
  • 11 - Other Weapons

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details > Behavior Event Weapon


Number of Incidents Involving Alcohol

To report, at least one Event must be tied to an incident where the State Event Code is 19 - Use, Possession, or Sale of Alcohol.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.

BehaviorType.stateEventCodeBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Number of Incidents Involving Drugs

To report, at least one Event must be tied to an incident where the State Event Code is 18 - Use, Possession, or Sale of Drugs.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.

BehaviorType.stateEventCodeBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Report the location where incidents reported in row (a) occurred (Rows T - W)

tOn School Property (including on school transportation)

To report, the Behavior Incident Location must be one of the following:

  •  School Property
  •  School Transportation
See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Location

uAt School Function Off Grounds

To report, the Behavior Incident Location must be School Sponsored.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Location

vOff School Property (that creates a risk of disruption within the school environment)

To report, the Behavior Incident Location must be Off Property.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Location

wOf the incidents reported in Row (t) above, report the number that occurred on School Transportation

To report, the Behavior Incident Location must be School Transportation.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Location

Report the number of incidents in row (a) that occurred during the regular school day and after school hours (Rows X and Y)

xDuring Regular School Hours

The number of incidents in row (a) that occurred during the regular school day. To report, the Date of Incident must be on a School Day and the Time of Incident must be within the time range from the earliest to latest Period(s) associated with the Day’s Period Schedule. The Period does not need to be Instructional.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.







Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information >

  • Date of Incident
  • Time of Incident

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Detail > School Day

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Info >

  • Start Time
  • End Time
yBefore or After Regular School Hours

The number of incidents in row (a) that occurred after school hours. To report, one of the following requirements must be met.

  • Date of Incident must be on a Day where School Day = false
  • Date of Incident must be on a Day where School Day = true AND Time of Incident falls outside the time range from the earliest to latest Period(s) associated with the Day’s Period Schedule. The Period does not need to be Instructional.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.







Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information >

  • Date of Incident
  • Time of Incident

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Detail > School Day

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Periods > Period Info >

  • Start Time
  • End Time

Report the number of Targets/Victims that were students, staff or other involved in incidents in row (a) (Rows Z - BB)


Number of Student Targets/Victims

The number of Targets/Victims that were students. A target/victim is counted more than once if they were a target/victim of more than one incident (duplicated count). To report, the person's role must be Victim and their Relationship to School must be Student.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Number of Staff Targets/Victims

The number of Targets/Victims that were staff. A target/victim is counted more than once if they were a target/victim of more than one incident (duplicated count). To report, the person's role must be Victim and their Relationship to School must be Staff.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
bbNumber of "Other" Targets/Victims

The number of Targets/Victims that were not students or staff. A target/victim is counted more than once if they were a target/victim of more than one incident (duplicated count). To report, the person's role must be Victim and their Relationship to School must be Other.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Report the number of Offenders that were students, staff or other involved in incidents in row (a) (Rows CC- EE)

ccNumber of Student Offenders

The number of OFFENDERS that were students. An offender is counted more than once if they initiate more than one incident (duplicated count).

To report, the person's role must be Offender and their Relationship to School must be Student.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
ddNumber of Staff Offenders

The number of OFFENDERS that were staff. An offender is counted more than once if they initiate more than one incident (duplicated count).

To report, the person's role must be Offender and their Relationship to School must be Staff.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
eeNumber of "Other" Offenders

The number of OFFENDERS that were not students or staff. An offender is counted more than once if they initiate more than one incident (duplicated count).

To report, the person's role must be Offender and their Relationship to School must be Other.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Report the number of Student Offenders that received the following type of disciplinary action or referral (Rows FF - MM)


Counseling or Treatment Programs

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 2.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


Teacher Removal (Section 3214)

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 3.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


In School Suspension

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 4.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


Out-of-School Suspension

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 5.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


Involuntary Transfer to an Alternative Placement

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 6.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


Community Service

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 12.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code


Juvenile Justice Or Criminal Justice System

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 13.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code

mmLaw Enforcement

The number of STUDENT OFFENDERS that received this type of disciplinary action or referral.

To report, the student's role must be Offender and the State Resolution Code must be 14.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Resolution Details > State Code

Report the Unduplicated Number of Student Offenders Involved in Serious Offenses (Categories 1-5) in row (a) (Row NN)

nnNumber of Unduplicated Student Offenders for Serious Incidents

The Unduplicated Number of Student Offenders Involved in Serious Offenses in row (a)

(Serious Offenses include Categories 1-5: Homicide, Sexual Offenses, Assault, Weapons Possession, Material Incidents of Discrimination, Harassment, and Bullying)

Each individual is only counted once if they initiated numerous incidents in one or more categories. Unknown offenders are counted as separate individuals.

See the Report Logic section for information about the State Event Code used for each column.




Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School

Part 2: Victims of Violent Criminal Offenses and Unsafe School Transfers


Does not report.

Part 3: Police or Safety Officer in the School


Does not report.

Part 4: School-Related Arrests: Report the total number of school-related arrests

NameLogicCampus DatabaseCampus Location

School-Related Arrests

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet all of the following requirements:

  • Any associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 18
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL








Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plans > Education Plan Editor >

  • Date IEP is to be Implemented
  • Projected Date of Next Review

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Behavior Event Weapon

Part 5: Weapon Type and Fire-Arms-Related Offenses and Suspensions

RowNameLogicCampus DatabaseCampus Location

General Ed Students

Students with Disabilities

All Students

Totals appear in these columns based on the following requirements.

If the student's Education Plan meets any of the following requirements, the total appears in the Students with Disabilities column. If the Education Plan does NOT meet these requirements, the total appears in the General Ed Students column.

  • locked = true
  • Date IEP is to be Implemented <= Behavior Incident Date of Incident
  • Projected Date of Next Review is one of the following :
    • NULL
    • >= Behavior Incident Date of Incident




Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents > Plans > Education Plan Editor >

  • Date IEP is to be Implemented
  • Projected Date of Next Review

Weapon Type and Fire-Arms-Related Offenses: Enter the number of student offenders involving each of the following weapons at school (Rows A - E)


Handguns (General Ed Students)                             

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon = 12 - Handguns
  • No associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon is one of the following:
      • 13 - Rifles/Shotguns
      • 14 - Other Firearms





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Behavior Event Weapon

Rifle or Shotgun                                

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon = 13 - Rifles/Shotguns
  • No associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon is one of the following:
      • 12 - Handguns
      • 14 - Other Firearms





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Behavior Event Weapon

Other (any firearm other than a handgun, rifle or shotgun)                                

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon = 14 - Other Firearms
  • No associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • Behavior Event Weapon is one of the following:
      • 12 - Handguns
      • 13 - Rifles/Shotguns





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Behavior Event Weapon

Multiple (Use of more than one of the above)                                

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated State Event Code <> NULL
    • Role = 'O'
    • Relationship to School's dictionary Value = student
    • At least two of the following distinct Behavior Event Weapon:
      • 12 - Handguns
      • 13 - Rifles/Shotguns
      • 14 - Other Firearms





Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Participant(s) Details >

  • Role
  • Relationship to School
  • Behavior Event Weapon
eTotalReports the total for each column.N/AN/A

For the students who brought firearms to school reflected in Row (e), report the disciplinary action imposed in rows (f) through (l) below (Rows F - L)


suspended for one year (180 school days) and were provided instruction (including alternative placement):       

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 8
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL
  • No associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 9
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code


suspended for one year (180 school days) and were not provided instruction (including alternative placement): 

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 15
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL
  • No associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 16
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code


suspension was modified to LESS THAN ONE YEAR (180 school days) and were provided instruction (including alternative placement):    

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 9
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code


suspension was modified to LESS THAN ONE YEAR (180 school days) and were NOT provided instruction (including alternative placement): 

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 16
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

jreceived no suspension because the student was removed for other reasons such as death, withdrawal or incarceration:       

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 17
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code


received a different disciplinary action (this should be rare):   

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

  • Any associated Behavior Resolution where 
    • State Resolution Code = 11
    • Associated State Event Code <> NULL



Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Behavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Event Details > State Code

lreceived no disciplinary action (this should be extremely rare):

Sum of Participants in SSEC Incidents that meet the following requirements.

No associated Behavior Resolution where State Resolution Code is one of the following:

  • 8
  • 9
  • 11
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
BehaviorResolution.stateResCodeBehavior Management > Incident Detail Information > Event and Participant Detail > Resolution Details > State Code

Part 6: Superintendent/Charter School Leader Information

Does not report.

Previous Versions

SSEC Extract (New York) [.2203 and previous]