KIDS ENRL Extract (Kansas) [.2152 - .2223]

Classic View: KS State Reporting > Collection Extracts > ENRL: Funding and Enrollment

Search Terms: Collection Extract

The KIDS Collection ENRL Extract report gathers enrollment and program participation information on students. This data is used to populate sections of the Principal's Building Report (PBR) and the Superintendent's Organizational Report (SO66).


Report Logic

This extract only reports enrollment records that are active within the Reporting Range entered on the Extract Editor (Data Filter From Date, Data Filter To Date). If the Enrollment Start Date or Enrollment End Date fall on the day of the reporting range (Data Filter From Date and Data Filter To Date is the same), the enrollment is included.

One record per enrolled student reports from the selected calendar for the entered Reporting Range.

Students do not report when: 

  • The Enrollment record is marked as State Exclude or No Show.
  • The Calendar of Enrollment is marked as State Exclude.
  • The Grade Level of Enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

Records are generated for all students who are active based on the September 20 rule for enrollment and attendance, which states the student must be enrolled and present on September 20. If the student is absent on September 20, the student must have attended once before September 20 and once after September 20 but on or before October 4. 

  • Foreign exchange students are only included in state aid funding if they are enrolled for at least one semester or two quarters. 
  • Virtual education students are include if enrolled and attended on or before September 19 and one day on or after September 20 but not on or before October 4.
  • Alternative school students must be enrolled on September 20 and meet one of the following criteria:
    • Attended on September 20 and one other day either before September 20 or after September 20 but not on or before October 4.
    • Attended one day before September 20 and one day after September 20 and on or before October 4.

See the KIDS Collection Extracts article for general reporting logic.

Generate the Report

See the KIDS Collection Extracts editor for description of the Report Editor fields and Sample Report Formats.

  1. Select the ENRL: Funding and Enrollment from the Extract Type dropdown list.
  2. Enter a Data Filter From Date, if desired.
  3. Enter a Data Filter To Date, if desired.
  4. Select the Assessment Disaggregation Method 1 option, if desired.
  5. Select the Assessment Disaggregation Method 2 option, if desired.
  6. Mark the Students without State IDs checkbox, if desired.
  7. Mark the Social Security Number Optional, if desired.
  8. Select an Ad hoc Filter, if desired.
  9. Select the appropriate Format for the extract.
  10. If generating the extract in the State Format (tab delimited), enter the Records Limit Per File number.
  11. Select the Calendars to include in the extract.
  12. Click the Generate Report button. The report displays in the selected format.

Report Layout

Data Element



Record Type

Type of extract being generated, chosen on the Report Editor.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

Data not stored

Accountability School Identifier

Indicates the school number of the student's enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number


Resident District

District number where student resides (but not necessarily attends).

If Home District field is blank, data reports from the State District Number field.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information  > General > Enrollments > State Reporting 

Fields > Home District


System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Info > State District Number


Legal Last Name

Reports the legal last name of the student.

If the Legal Last Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name


Legal First Name

Reports the legal first name of the student.

If the Legal First Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name


Legal Middle Name

Middle name or middle initial of the student. If only the middle initial is available, that initial reports. If no middle name or initial is available for the student, this field reports blank.

If the Legal Middle Name field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 60 characters

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Middle Name


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name



Indicates student's name is generational (Jr., III, etc.).

If the Legal Suffix field is populated, information reports from that field.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Suffix


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Suffix



Indication of student being either male or female.

If the Legal Gender field is populated, information reports from that field.

Numeric, 1 digit (0 = Female, 1 = Male)

Census > People > Identities > Identity Information > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Date of Birth

Date on which student was born.

Date field, 10 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date



Grade level or primary instructional level at which the student enters and receives services in a school or an educational institution during a given academic session.

See the Report Logic section for more information on grade levels.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Student Identifier

Unique identifier assigned to the student by the school and/or district.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number


Hispanic Ethnicity

Indication of student being of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. If yes, reports Y; if No, reports N.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Is the individual Hispanic/Latino?


State Student Identifier

Student's state identification number.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


School Year

The ending year of the current school year. If reporting for the 2019-20 school year, this reports as 2020.

Numeric, 4 digits

System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar Information > End Date


Funding School

Override field for the school that receives funding for the student.

For the ENRL Extract, 0003 is used for this field if the student attends a non-accredited Juvenile Detention Facility.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters

System Administration > Resources > School > School Editor > State School Number

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Funding School


Attendance School

Unique number of the school or program in which the student is physically located and where he/she takes the state assessments.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Attendance School


Virtual Education Student

Indication of student taking classes virtually. Options are:

  • Reports a value of 1 (Current Virtual Education Student) when the student is currently a Virtual Education Student.
  • Reports a value of 2 (Has been a Virtual Education Student during the current school year) when the student is not currently a Virtual Education Students, but has been previously in the school year.

If no value is selected, a blank value reports.

Numeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Virtual Education Student


School Entry Date

Reports the student's start date of enrollment at the school. If this Entry into School field is blank on the enrollment record, the pre-determined Override logic (see here) is used.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Entry into School


District Entry Date

Reports the student's first date of entry at the district. If the Entry into District field is blank on the enrollment record, the pre-determined Override logic (see here) is used.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Entry into District


State Entry Date

Reports the student's first date of entry at a school in the state. If this Entry into State field is blank, the pre-determined Override logic (see here) is used.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Entry into State


First Instructional Date

Reports the first day (month, day and year) the student receives instructional services during the school year. A value reports when the student meets the following criteria (at least one of these is true): 

  • Primary Disability reports as WD.
  • Gifted Student reports as GI.
  • Qualified for 504 reports a value that is not 0.
  • Residence of Homeless Student while Homeless reports a value that is not 0. 
  • Title I Participation reports a value that is not 0. 
  • Military Connected Student Indicator reports a value that is not 0. 
  • Immigrant Student reports a value that is not 0.
  • Neglected Student reports a value that is not 0. 

This reports the first day marked for instruction and attendance from the Calendar in which the student is enrolled.

  • If the student's most recent primary enrollment start date is after this date, the enrollment start date reports.
  • If the student has multiple primary enrollments, the most recent  enrollment start date that is on or after the first day of instruction and attendance on the calendar reports.
  • If the student has no primary enrollments, the most recent enrollment start date that is on or after the first day of instruction and attendance on the calendar reports.

If the school is marked as School Wide in the Title 1 field on the School Editor, all students within the school report their First Instruction Date. 

Otherwise, a blank value reports. 

Student Information > General > Enrollment > General Enrollment Information > Start Date


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted > Start Date


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Start Date


System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Instruction, Attendance

Membership Days

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Attended Days

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Truant Student

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Minutes Enrolled

Total number of instructional minutes for which the student is enrolled.

  • If the Sept 20th Rule is marked, this field reports as 0.
  • If the Sept 20th Rule not marked, the value entered in the Enrolled Minutes Override field reports.
  • If there is no value in the Override field, the total scheduled minutes (minus any lunch minutes) of the students reports, based on the School Day calculation on Sept. 20th. 
    • This value is found by locating a week in which all school days of the week are instruction days (on or around September 20th). All periods into which the student is scheduled are summed, minus lunch time minutes, plus the minutes between periods (if the amount of time is less than or equal to 10 minutes for each day), the divide by 5,
    • That value is rounded to the nearest whole number.

If no values are selected, the default value of zero (0) reports.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrolled Minutes Override


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Sept 20th Rule


Concurrent HS Enrollment

Indicates student is enrolled in multiple accredited programs. 

The Current Grade Level field must be 15-18 or 14-18 if the student has an active Gifted record.

If no value is selected, a default value of zero (0) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Concurrent Enrollment


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted > Start Date


Exit Withdrawal Date

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Exit Withdrawal Type

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Unweighted Grade Point AverageNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.N/A

Special Circumstance Transfer Choice

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Post Graduation Plans

No value reports (blank field) for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Comprehensive Race

Indicates the student's race/ethnicity.

All five positions must be filled with either a 0 or a 1. For a student designated as being White, this field reports as 00001. A student designated as American Indian reports as 10000.

  • Position 5 - White
  • Position 4 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Position 3 - Black or African American
  • Position 2 - Asian
  • Position 1 - American Indian or Alaska Native

Numeric, 6 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Federal Race


Lunch Program

Indicates student meets requirements for free and reduced meals.

A numeric value of 1-4 reports, based on the student's FRAM record dates being within the reporting period and the State Eligibility Code selection. 

  • A value of 1 reports when a student has a FRAM record within the reporting period and the State Eligibility Code is 1: Eligible for Reduced Price Lunch per National Program Application
    • Eligibility = Reduced; AND 
    • Source = Direct; OR 
    • Source = Non-Direct; AND 
    • Certified Type IS NOT Socioeconomic Status
  • A value of 2 reports when a student has a FRAM record within the reporting period and the state Eligibility Code is 2: Eligible for Free Lunch per National Direct Certification Process.
    • Eligibility = Free; AND 
    • Source = Direct; OR 
    • Source = Non-Direct; AND 
    • Certified Type IS NOT Socioeconomic Status
  • A value of 3 reports when a student has a FRAM record within the reporting period and the state Eligibility Code is 3: Eligible for Reduced Price Lunch per KSDE Household Economic Survey.
    • Eligibility Type is SES; AND
    • Eligibility =  Reduced; AND 
    • Source = Non-Direct; AND
    • Certified Type = Socioeconomic Status
  • A value of 4 reports when a student has a FRAM record within the reporting period and the state Eligibility Code is 4: Eligible for Free Lunch per KSDE Household Economic Survey.
    • Eligibility Type is SES; AND
    • Eligibility =  Free; AND 
    • Source = Non-Direct; AND
    • Certified Type = Socioeconomic Status

If no value is selected or there is no FRAM record, a value of zero (0: Not Eligible) reports.

Numeric, 1 digit

FRAM > Eligibility


Primary Disability Indicator

Indicates student's primary disability. 

When a student has an active Special Education State Reporting record OR an active IEP, a value of WD reports. Otherwise, a value of ND reports.

An active Special Education State Reporting record is calculated as follows: 

  • The Start Date on the Special Education State Reporting record is on or before the Date To field on the Extract Editor.  
  • The End Date on the Special Education State Reporting record is blank or on or after the Date From field on the Extract editor. 

SPED State Reporting records that were ended prior to the selected calendar year do not report when the Date From field on the extract editor is not populated.

An active IEP record is calculated as follows:

  • The Start Date of the IEP is on or before the Date To field on the Extract Editor.  
  • The End Date of the IEP is blank or on or after the Date From field on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Disability


Student Information > Special Education > General > State Reporting > Start Date, End Date



Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Start Date, End Date



Gifted Student Indicator

Indicates whether student is considered gifted/talented.

When the student has an active Gifted record, a value of GI reports. 

Otherwise, a blank value reports. 

Gifted records that were ended prior to the selected calendar year do not report when the Date From field on the extract editor is not populated.

An active Gifted record is calculated as follows:

  • The Start Date on the Gifted record is on or before the Date To field on the Extract editor.  
  • The End Date on the Gifted record is blank or on or after the Date From field on the Extract editor.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted > Start Date, End Date



Section 504

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Residence of Homeless

Indicates the student meets the federal guidelines of being homeless. See the Kansas Enrollment Editor page for more information.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Homeless


ESOL/Bilingual Program Entry Date

Start date of student's participation in ESOL programming.
Logic looks for the most recent active Identity record that exists between the Filter to Date and Filter from Date fields entered on the KIDS extract editor.

When the ESOL Participation field reports a value of 0, this field does not report.

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > Identified Date 



First Entry Date into a school in the US

Date of first enrollment into a school in the United States.
Logic looks for the most recent active Identity record that exists between the Filter to Date and Filter from Date fields entered on the KIDS extract editor.

This date ONLY reports when the ESOL Participation value for the student is 1-8 and the Date Entered US School is not blank.

If a Participation code is selected and no date is in the Date Entered US School field, the report auto-generates a date of 01/01/1900 to make it easier to find these students

Date field, 10 characters (MM/DD/YYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Date Entered US


First Language

This is required for all students.
Notes the first language the student speaks (primary language).

Logic looks for the most recent active Identity record that exists between the Filter to Date and Filter from Date fields entered on the KIDS extract editor.

If no value is selected, a value of ENG reports.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Home Primary Language


ESOL/Bilingual Participation Code

Indicates the status of the student's ESOL Participation. See the ESOL Participation section for reporting logic.

If no value is selected, a default value zero (0) reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Types


Language Instruction Education Program TypeReports the student's EL Service Type with a value of 01-08.

When the ESOL/Bilingual Program Participation Code is 1, 2, 3 or 7, the EL Service Type reports when the service falls within the start and end date entered on the extract editor.

When there is more than one service type that falls within this range, the one with the highest number of ESOL Contact Minutes reports.

Otherwise, reports a value of 00.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > Service Types


ESOL/Bilingual Program Ending Date

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


ESOL/Bilingual Student Contact Minutes

Total of minutes taught by a teacher with or working on ESOL endorsement to be approved. Reports when the reported value for ESOL/Bilingual Participation Code is one of the following:

  • 1: Title III Funded
  • 2: State ESOL/Bilingual Funded
  • 3: Both Title III and State ESOL/Bilingual Funded
  • 7: Exited EL Previous School Year

When service minutes are not null and greater than zero, and the Parent Refused checkbox is not marked:

  • If an EL Services record exists with a Service Type of Summary and the service is active within the extract editor start and end dates, that value reports.
  • If there are multiple EL Services with a Service Type of Summary, the most recent service (by start date) reports.
  • If there are no service types with a Service Type of Summary, the most recent service within the entered Start and End Dates is used.
  • If there is no service type, no value report.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL) > EL Services > ESOL Contact Minutes


Career Tech Ed Contact Minutes

Reports the number of minutes students in grades 9-12 and not graded secondary students received instruction in a state funding approved career and technical education course.

This value reports from the Tech Ed Minutes Override field is populated on the enrollment record.

CTE courses are defined by the College/Career Type field on the Course editor being set to F.

Use the CTE Minutes Calculation Tool to automatically populate the Tech Ed Minutes Override field on the Enrollment Record.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Tech Ed Minutes Override


Student Information > General > Schedule

Scheduling > Courses > Course > Section

System Administration > Calendar >  Calendar > Periods

Title 1 Participation

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Miles Transported

Number of miles student is transported at district expense.

This only reports if the Transported at District Expense checkbox is selected.

Numeric, 4 digits (XXXX, XX.XX, XXX.X, X.XXX)

Student Information > General > Transportation > Miles Transported


Transportation FTE

Total round trip miles the student is transported to the school. This is only reported if the Transported at District Expense checkbox is selected.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Transportation > FTE


Student's Street Address

Reports the student's primary physical street address. Only alphabetic characters A-Z, numeric digits 0-9, and hyphens report. All other characters are removed.

The student's Primary Household reports. If the student has multiple primary addresses, the address with the earliest start date that is still active (no end date entered) reports. P.O. Boxes do not report.

This reports for ALL students, whether or not they have a Transportation record.

If ALL address information is blank, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Student Information > General > Summary > Mailing Address > Primary Address


Student's City

City in which the student's primary physical address is located.

This reports for ALL students, whether or not they have a Transportation record.

The student's Primary Household reports. If the student has multiple primary addresses, the address with the earliest start date that is still active (no end date entered) reports. P.O. Boxes do not report.

If ALL address information is blank, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Student Information > General > Summary > Mailing Address > Primary Address

Student's Zip Code

Zip code associated with the student's physical street address.

This reports for ALL students, whether or not they have a Transportation record.

IIf ALL address information is blank, a blank value reports.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Summary > Mailing Address > Primary Address

Non-Resident Transportation
10 Mile Law

An indication that the student is attending the district under an agreement by the district under KSA 72-1046b (over 10 mile law).

If no value is selected, a default value zero (0) reports.

Numeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Transportation > Transported at District Expense/10 Mile Law


Military Connected Student Indicator

Indicates whether the student is the son or daughter of a parent who is in the military. 

If no value is selected, a default value zero (0) reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Child of Military Family


Immigrant Student

Indicates whether or not a student is an immigrant student and if they are receiving Title III services. Options are:

  • Yes, receiving Title III Services
  • Yes, but not receiving Title III Services

If a value is selected for the Immigrant Student field on the Enrollment record, that value reports.

If there is a not a value selected for Immigrant Student, the Birth Country field is used:

  • If there is no Birth Country selected, a value of zero (0) reports.
  • If there is a value that is either 2330: United States or 1790: Puerto Rico, a value of zero (0) reports.
  • If any other Birth Country value is selected, the Date Entered Us School field is used:
    • If this field is blank, a value of zero (0) reports.
    • If a date is entered, the following calculation is used:
      • If the date s before the October Snapshot date for the current academic year (i.e., the last Friday in September), a value of 1 reports for all of that academic year. The next academic year would be their 2nd time on the October Snapshot, and would report as a 2.

      • If the date is after the October Snapshot date for the current academic year (i.e., the last Friday in September), a value of 1 reports for the current year and the following year.

If no value is selected, a default value zero (0) reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Immigrant Student


Country of Birth

Country in which student was born.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Country


Neglected Student

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Kansas Preschool Program (KPP)

Reports whether the student enrolled in grades 01, 02, 33 and 04 was an Early Learning Participant. 

When an Early Learning record exists that was active at any time with the student's enrollment from the selected calendar AND the Early Learning Participant (KS PreK Pilot Program) checkbox was marked, a value of 1 reports. If there is no Early Learning record or the Early Learning Participant (KS PreK Pilot Program) is not marked, a value of 0 reports.

An Early Learning record is considered active when the start date is before the student's enrollment end date and the end date is either blank or after the student's enrollment start date. If the student's enrollment end date is blank, the selected calendar's end date is used.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > KS PreK Pilot Program

Kansas Parents as Teachers Participant (KPAT)

Reports whether the student enrolled in grades 00, 01, 02, 33 and 04 was a Parents as Teachers Participant. 

When an Early Learning record exists that was active at any time with the student's enrollment from the selected calendar AND the Parents as Teachers checkbox was marked, a value of 1 reports. If there is no Early Learning record or the Parents as Teachers checkbox is not marked, a value of 0 reports. Otherwise, this field reports blank.

An Early Learning record is considered active when the start date is before the student's enrollment end date and the end date is either blank or after the student's enrollment start date. If the student's enrollment end date is blank, the selected calendar's end date is used.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Learning > Parents as Teachers

Dyslexia ScreenerNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Dyslexia SubtestNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Dyslexia Spring Benchmark Performance LevelNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Math Grouping Indicator 1

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Math Grouping Indicator 2

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


English Language Arts - ELA Grouping Indicator 1 

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


English Language Arts - ELA Grouping Indicator 2

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Science Grouping
Indicator 1

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Science Grouping
Indicator 2

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Comprehensive Agriculture Grouping Indicator

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Animal Systems Grouping Indicator

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Plant Systems Grouping Indicator

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


KELPA2 Grouping Indicator 1

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


KELPA2 Grouping Indicator 2

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


State Mathematics Assessment Type

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


State English Language Arts - ELA Assessment

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


State Science Assessment Type

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


State History/Gov Assessment Type

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


History/Gov Claim/Thesis Score

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


History/Gov Evidence Score

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


History/Gov Reasoning Score

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Comprehensive Agriculture Assessment

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Animal Systems Assessment

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Plant Systems Assessment

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


Kansas English Language Proficiency Assessment (KELPA)

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


KELPA Proctor ID

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


KELPA Proctor First Name

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


KELPA Proctor Last Name

No value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.


American College Testing (ACT) AssessmentNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.N/A
ACT WorkKeys AssessmentNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.N/A
Individual Plan of StudyNo value reports for this field in the ENRL Extract.N/A
User Field 1This field does not report data.


User Field 2

This field does not report data. 


User Field 3

This field does not report data.