Staff Evaluation Import (Massachusetts) [.2219 - .2231]

PATH: MA State Reporting > Staff Evaluation Import

Search Term: Staff Evaluation Import

The Staff Evaluation Import allows you to mass import staff evaluation data and avoid the need to enter this data for each individual staff member.

Importing a File

  1. Click Choose File to select a file to be imported. The file MUST match the column order defined in the Upload Layout table below and cannot include any additional columns. 
  2. Once a file is chosen, click Upload to import the file. A report will generate indicating how many records were successfully imported and any errors which occurred based on incorrect or null data.


If data cannot be uploaded properly, the import file generates an error report describing why each record could not be uploaded. Expand the table below to view each possible validation/error.

Click here to expand...






ValidationIncorrect File type (Use CSV)Indicates to user to upload only CSV fileuser uploads file type that is not CSV
ErrorNo matching PersonIDIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file that do not match personID's in DBColumn 1 (PersonID) does not match anything in the database
ErrorEnd Year NullIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where no end year was importedColumn 7 (EndYear) is null
ErrorEvaluation Date NullIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where no evaluation date was importedColumn 8 (EvaluationDate) is null
ErrorInvalid format of Evaluation DateIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the evaluation date has an invalid formatColumn 8 (EvaluationDate) has an invalid format
ErrorInvalid value of EvaluationCycleNameIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the evaluation cycle name has an invalid valueColumn 9 (EvaluationCycleName) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR28DistrictLevelProfTeacherIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR28 district level prof teacher has an invalid valueColumn 10 (SR28DistrictLevelProfTeacher) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR29OverallEvalScoreIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR29 overall eval score has an invalid valueColumn 11 (SR29OverallEvalScore) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR30Standard1EvalIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR30 standard 1 eval has an invalid valueColumn 12 (SR30Standard1Eval) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR31Standard2EvalIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR31 standard 2 eval has an invalid valueColumn 13 (SR31Standard2Eval) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR32Standard3EvalIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR32 standard 3 eval has an invalid valueColumn 14 (SR32Standard3Eval) has an invalid value
ErrorInvalid value of SR33Standard4EvalIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file where the SR33 standard 4 eval has an invalid valueColumn 15 (SR33Standard4Eval) has an invalid value
ErrorNo active district emloyment for PersonIDIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file that do not have an active district employment recordNo active district employment record exists
ErrorNo primary district assignment for PersonIDIndicate rows and PersonID's in the file that do not have a primary district assignmentNo primary district assignment exists

Upload Layout

Below is the layout the CSV must follow along with a description for each field and where imported data will appear and be stored within Infinite Campus. 

Example Staff Eval CSV File Template: Staff Eval Import Template.csv

#Data Element LabelDescription and LogicUI Location and Database FieldFormat
1PersonIDInternal DB identifier

Value must match for import to occur, else error
internal identifier (Census > People > Demographics)

2StaffStateIDIndicates the staff's MEPID as given by state.

Census > People > Demographics > Staff State ID


3LocalStaffIDIndicates the staff's local ID as given by district.Census > People > Demographics > Local Staff Number

4LastNameIndicates the staff member's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


5MiddleNameIndicates the staff member's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


6FirstNameIndicates staff first name

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


7EndYearIndicates the end year of the evaluation range.

Import to Year field

If an evaluation already exists for the given year/person ID combination, update all the fields in the evaluation with the values in the import file.

If null, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > Year


8EvaluationDateIndicates date of the evaluation.

Import to Evaluation Date field

If null, receive error

If invalid format (MM/DD/YYYY), receive error

Census > Staff Eval > Evaluation Date


9EvaluationCycleNameIndicates name of the evaluation cycle.

Import to Evaluation Cycle field

If value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > Evaluation Cycle Name



10SR28DistrictLevelProfTeacherIndicates if a staff member is a district level professional teacher or not.

Import to SR28 District Level Prof. Teacher field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR28 District Level Prof. Teacher

11SR29OverallEvalScoreIndicates the overall score for the evaluation.

Import to SR29 Overall Eval Score field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR29 Overall Eval Score



Indicates the evaluation score for the first standard in the evaluation.

Import to SR30 Standard 1 Eval field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR30 Standard 1 Eval

13SR31Standard2EvalIndicates the evaluation score for the second standard in the evaluation.

Import to SR31 Standard 2 Eval field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR31 Standard 2 Eval

14SR32Standard3EvalIndicates the evaluation score for the third standard in the evaluation.

Import to SR32 Standard 3 Eval field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR32 Standard 3 Eval

15SR33Standard4EvalIndicates the evaluation score for the fourth standard in the evaluation.

Import to SR33 Standard 4 Eval field

If the value does not match an available value, receive error

Census > Staff Eval > SR33 Standard 4 Eval

6EvalRecommendationIndicates the evaluation recommendation.

Import to Eval Recommendation field
Census > Staff Eval > Eval Recommendation
