Updated Articles

  1. Activity Registration Use

  2. My Accounts (Employee Self Service)

     This functionality is only available to districts who have purchased Online Payments . The My Accounts is the tool where you can manage payment methods, select optional payments to pay, set up recurring payments, and view your payment history...
  3. Workflow and Setup

  4. Set Up Preapproval Configurations

    Certain activities may need preapproval based on rules determined by a school or the district. These activities require forms to be completed and submitted. The Preapproval Configuration tool is used to create rules and associate forms for activitie...
  5. Integrated Card Swipe for the End User - Study Guide

    In this study guide about Integrated Card Swipe functionality, you will learn to enter payments and deposits using a card reader, run the Fee Audit and Food Service Deposit reports, and use the Payments Reporter to view transactions that were proces...
  6. Nate Tool Rights Prototype - Data Integrity Tools

    Data Integrity Tools are only available in State Editions of Campus and districts connected to a State Edition of Campus. Tool Rights determine the level of access users have to tools throughout Campus. This article refers to tool rights in ...
  7. Delete Tool (Ed-Fi)

    Information on understanding and using the Ed-Fi Delete Tool.
  8. Scheduling Tool Rights TEST for Tool Rights

    Tool Rights determine the level of access users have to tools throughout Campus. This article refers to tool rights in abbreviated form (i.e., R, W, A, D or any combination of the four). Sub-rights appear as italicized . Right Descript...
  9. Creating Activities

  10. Preapproving Activities

    After an activity creator submits the forms needed to get approval, an administrator reviews them and approves, declines, or returns the forms using the Preapproval Requests tool.